Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Transition of HP Lovecraft The Road to Madness by H P Lovecraft ISBN 0345384229

The Transition of H.P. Lovecraft: The Road to Madness by H. P. Lovecraft, ISBN 0345384229

A collection of horror tales spanning the author's career includes 'The Street,' 'The Lurking Fear,' 'Dagon,' 'The Evil Clergyman,' and 'Cool Air'...One of the most influential practitioners of American horror, H.P. Lovecraft inspired the work of Stephen King, Anne Rice, and Clive Barker. As he perfected his mastery of the macabre, his works developed from seminal fragments into acknowledged masterpieces of terror. This volume traces his chilling career and includes:
IMPRISONED WITH THE PHARAOHS--Houdini seeks to reveal the demons that inhabit the Egyptian night.
AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS--An unsuspecting expedition uncovers a city of untold terror, buried beneath an Antarctic wasteland.
Plus, for the first time in any Del Rey edition:
HERBERT WEST: REANIMATOR--Mad experiments yield hideous results in this, the inspiration for the cult film Re-Animator.
COOL AIR--An icy apartment hides secrets no man dares unlock.... Click here or on the image for details

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